Friday, June 27, 2014

Waiting for the Magic

Another book I have read is Waiting for the Magic by Patricia MacLachlan.  This is a 2014 - 2015 MHLA Nominee.

This is a book about a boy named William, his little 4 year-old sister, and their family.  What starts out as a family in the beginning changes throughout the story . . . Is it because of magic?  The story starts out with William's dad leaving.  Because of that, William's mother decides to add a few new members to the family: 4 dogs and 1 cat.  William misses his father very much, but will not let anyone know that.  Will the new "family members" help out with that?  This book is about hope and how family is always there--no matter what (or who your "family" is).  

Accelerated Reader info:
#: 145511
RL:  3.0
2 points


I recently read Breadcrumbs by Anne Ursu.  It is a 2014 - 2015 MHLA Nominee.  

The story is about a 5th grade girl named Hazel and her best friend, Jack.  These two are neighbors and best friends that do almost everything together.  The two of them go on many adventures together and help each other out with some difficult times:  Hazel's dad left and Jack's mom is depressed . . .  Suddenly, Jack stops talking to Hazel and acts as if he was never her best friend.  Hazel cannot figure this out and, just as suddenly, Jack is gone.  His parents say he has gone with his aunt, but Hazel knows something is up when one of Jack's friends tell her that Jack left with a woman mad of ice.  Hazel is determined to find Jack and save him--even if it means putting her own life at risk.  This book is full of mystery and fairy-tale-like adventures.  If you like mystery and adventure, you will love this book!

Accelerated Reader info:
#: 146485
RL: 4.8
9 points